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Mis tähendab fluorograafias skolioosi gopi

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Gopi Kallayil is the Chief Evangelist, Brand Marketing at Google. He works with Google's sales teams and customers and helps grow customer brands through digital marketing. In his prior roles he worked as Chief Evangelist for Google+, led the marketing team for the Company's flagship advertising product, AdWords, .Apr 26, 2017 Learn of the world of technology entering into the space of spirituality through the practices of yoga at Google, meditation, and art of mindfulness.Gopi Kallayil is the Chief Evangelist, Brand Marketing at Google, works with Google's sales teams and customers and helps grow customer brands.Jul 26, 2014 Mindfulness training comes to business, and brings value. Gopi Kallayil, Google's Chief Evangelist for Brand Marketing, offers his thoughts and encouragement.Feb 24, 2014 If you want to know how dramatically brand marketing has changed in the digital world, consider the humble Ziploc bag. It used to be that such mundane products were only the fodder of advertising inserts in the Sunday newspaper. But if you search for “Ziploc bags” on YouTube, you will find them there .

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